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Skills & Personality Quiz

Tell us about yourself....

Find your ideal career!

I am interested in raising fish in a fish hatchery.
I am interested in developing a new medicine.
Would you like to write books or plays?
Would you like to help people with personal or emotional problems?
Would you like to manage a department within a large company?
Would you like to install software across computers on a large network?
Would you like to repair household appliances?
Would you like to study ways to reduce water pollution?
I am interested in composing or arranging music
I am interested in giving career guidance to people.
I am interested in starting my own business.
I am interested in keeping inventory records.
I am interested in assembling electronic parts.
I am interested in conducting chemical experiments.
I am interested in creating special effects for movies.
I am interested in performing rehabilitation therapy.
I am interested in negotiating business contracts.
I am interested in calculating the wages of employees.
I am interested in setting up and operating machines to make products.
I am interested in examining blood samples using a microscope.
I am interested in painting sets for plays.
I am interested in volunteering for a non-profit organisation.
I am interested in marketing a new line of clothing.
I am interested in developing a spreadsheet using computer software.
I am interested in helping to tackle flooding emergencies.
I am interested in developing a way to better predict the weather.
I am interested in writing scripts for movies or television shows.
I am interested in teaching a secondary school class.
I am interested in selling merchandise at a department store.
I am interested in proofreading records or forms.

Thanks for submitting!

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